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Of New Beginnings


Our family has been raising golden retrievers for 18 years. It's a lot of fun and something we can do as a family.


When I was a child I really wanted a dog. All my pleadings didn't get me my wish. 


Now I have my own family, I'm happy to have my wish of having a dog. Not only do we have one, but several and enjoy breeding them and raising their puppies. I've long admired the golden retriever breed. A true dog, no offense to other breeds!



our golden Retrievers


johnsen family goldens health guarantee
( 1 or 2 years. See 
below for details)

Gray Paw Print in Purple Stamp

We know you will enjoy your new puppy and find him or her to be in optimal heath.  However, if your vet is to find a problem with your puppy's heart, hips or eyes within the first year, you will have the following options:


1.)  You may pick out a new puppy, providing we have one available.




2.) Return your puppy and get a full refund




3.) We will pay your vet bills up to the cost of your puppy.


If you have any questions about the care of your puppy, please feel free to call us anytime.





For almost 20 years I have been enjoying breeding golden retrievers. We have experienced many different situations and there are a lot of different supplements on the market to promote optimal health for your fur baby. However, in recent years I have been using and promoting NuVet vilatims. I have seen first hand the difference they make and have decided, in an effort to encourage families to keep their puppies, and later their hogs on the vitamins, to change up my health guarantee. 

  We believe supplementation is necessary due to the varying kinds of dog foods with insufficient nutritional value and different environmental conditions the puppy comes in contact with, as well as the fact that all puppies have immune systems that take time to mature. The first 2 years are especially important for the development of an organs, bones, and immune system for all dogs.  For this reason, we highly recommend starting and keeping your puppy on NuVet Plus® immune system builder to help them maintain optimal health.

We are so confident NuVet Plus will benefit your new puppy that we will extend this guarantee to two years.  To qualify for this guaranteed extension, make sure you are using the manufacturer’s recommended daily dosage for the entire guarantee period (two years). We suggest enrolling in their Auto Ship program. NuVet Labs produces premium veterinarian made products, only available through them, and they can verify that your pup has been on the supplement consistently for the guarantee period. Failure to do so makes this health guarantee extension null and void. We also highly recommend you continue to give your pet NuVet Plus beyond the guarantee period to promote optimal health for a lifetime.

NuVet Plus was scientifically formulated by veterinarians and nutritional scientists for dogs at every life stage; from supporting a puppy’s maturing immune system to helping to protect against issues later in life. 

NuVet Labs supplements are made in the USA using natural ingredients that are formulated in an FDA registered pharmaceutical laboratory, held to the highest standards in the pet industry. NuVet Labs products are not available in stores. For your convenience you may order by phone by calling 800-474-7044, using order code #164166 or order online at









Elizabeth Johnsen

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closed on sabbath

We are unavailable from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown in observance of the Sabbath. If you call or email during those hours I will get back to you after sundown on Saturday evening.  Exodus 20:8-11  

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:

 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."


Click here to learn more about the Sabbath

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© 2023 by Johnsen Family Goldens

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